Dolphin loves sexy girls

Dolphin is an intelligent fish. Not easy to measure the intelligence of dolphins, because they use the brain differently than humans. The scientists noted, there are 11 facts are "Cool" about the dolphins, namely:

1. Like a free ride
Dolphins follow the boat like swimming, or jumping in front, and rear speed boat. They swim as fast speed boat. Pacific white dolphins can swim at speeds around 28 km / hr. We follow the speed boat, they were even faster. How do they do it? Speed boat to create waves that push water upward. Dolphins swim among the waves and currents that are created following the speed boat. So, the dolphins do not need to spend energy to swim, but just a free ride with the flow.

2. Noise
Dolphins use sound to "see". They give voice and listen to the reflections to find food and navigate, dolphin noises are very noisy.

3. Foot Bones
Millions of years ago, dolphins had legs. Scientists see there are two pieces in the framework of the pelvic bones of dolphins. Maybe it was the former leg bone. Some scientists suspect dolphin ancestors walked on land.

4. Sharp teeth
If the dolphins have a dentist, the doctor must be busy. Several species of dolphins have teeth more and longer than crocodiles. There are species of dolphins that have long teeth as many as 250 piecess. However, the dolphins do not like to bite humans. You never read the news there was a dolphin bite humans, aren't you?

5. Tight Partnership
Sometimes thousands of dolphins hunting together. They lined up surrounded their prey. Area of the besieged area, and then scaled down so that the prey to confusion, and then eat them.

6. Helping Fishermen
Dolphins are often clustered around the fishing boat while jumping. They guide the fish into the nets of fishermen. In Brazil, bottlenose dolphins indicate when the nets of fishermen have been filled with fish.

7. Nickname
Communicate with the dolphins 'whistles' and use the "name" to identify one another. Some scientists suspect that the dolphins have a special call sign and use a special greeting when parting with his friend.

8. Act like Midwife
When the mother gave birth to a dolphin, a dolphin play like a midwife, which help guard and labor. After the baby dolphin is born, the midwife helped nurture the baby dolphin.

9. Enjoys Humor
Like humans, dolphins seem to like to joke. A dolphin named Ake, was asked to help clean the pond. He took a leaf or a piece of dirt objects and then delivered to the coach. After the dirt in the pool runs out, the dolphins make his own. He was peeling paint on the pool, then is delivered to the coach, laughing.

10. Loves sexy girls..(LOL)


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